30 Mei 2010

Example of Narrative Text


On a sunny day, Kiki's mother told Kiki to bring his umbrella when he left home to play with Cici. Kiki's mother reasoned that Kiki would go home late and it would rain this afternoon. Kiki did not want to bring his umbrella because it's very big. If rain fell he could borrow Cici’s umbrella. But Kiki's mother insisted to asked Kiki to bring the umbrella. Finally, with the natter, Kiki the rabbit brought it.

But Kiki’s resentment did not last long. On the way home the weather became gloomy glance. Black clouds rolled in. The wind blew hard. Soon, heavy rain fell.
Kiki was encouraging himself to survive amid a very heavy rain. His house not far away anymore. But, poor Kiki, his foot slipped when he crossed the bridge. He was thrown into fast-flowing river.

Kiki emerge and disappear in the water. He was truly exhausted. Fortunately, he could see his big umbrella. The umbrella not sinks with him. With the remnants of his energy, he was trying to climb into the umbrella. And he could reach it!. Now, he stay float.

Then, Kiki drove his umbrella like a boat. Kiki controlled it to the riverbank. He was grateful that his mom insisted to ask him to bring that umbrella, so he did not sink in the river.

ini tuh tugas conversationku, disuruh nyari cerpen atau dongeng atau fabel trus diinggrisin. abis itu diapalin, kita suruh nyeritain di depan kelas tanpa liat text. lumayan lah nilaiku 84 salah pronounce 5. hehehe.. ^^

29 Mei 2010

Friendship! ;)

One day, a girl i knew was getting teased by these other girls for wearing the same clothes constantly (her family was poor).

She ran away crying.

My best friend, Larissa, ran after the girl and gave her the new scarf she just bought. She said it looked better on her because she was so beautiful.

People you are proud to call your friends. GMH

Reblogged from givesmehope.tumblr.com

28 Mei 2010

New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco

I feel the salty waves come in
I feel them crash against my skin
And I smile as I respire because I know they'll never win
There's a haze above my TV
That changes everything I see
And maybe if I continue watching
I'll lose the traits that worry me

Can we fast-forward to go down on me?
Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

Taking everything for granted but we still respect the time
We move along with some new passion knowing everything is fine
And I would wait and watch the hours fall in a hundred separate lines
But I regain repose and wonder how I ended up inside

Can we fast-forward to go down on me?
Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
and I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

More to the point, I need to show
How much I can come and go
Other plans fell through
And put a heavy load on you
I know there's no more that need be said
When I'm inching through your bed
Take a look around instead and watch me go

Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
and I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

It's not fair, just let me perfect it
Don't wanna live a life that was comprehensive
'cause seeing clear would be a bad idea
Now catch me up on getting out of here
So catch me up I'm getting out of here

sumpah! ni lagu keren banget! easy listening deh!

26 Mei 2010

Global Warming makin parah!

bener ya kata para ahli kalau global warming di bumi kita ini makin parah. contohnya di kotaku nih. masa setiap hari hujan coba, padahal ini kan bulan mei yang seharusnya adalah musim kemarau. pergeseran musim kayak gini kan bisa ngerugiin banyak pihak. contohnya orang tuaku sendiri. mereka kan pedagang beras yang punya sawah en tempat penggilingan sendiri, di musim hujan yang harusnya kemarau ini mereka jadi ngga bisa njemur padinya. soalnya sinar matahari yang diperluin buat njemur itu ngga ada. kalaupun ada pasti cuma sedikit plus sebentar. jadi harus berulang kali dijemur biar bener-bener kering. kan ngeluarin ongkos tambahan buat upah buruhnya. lagian kualitas berasnya juga jelek. 

bener-bener ngerugiin kan? jadi kita harus ngurangin global warming dari sekarang. mulai dari yang kecil aja dulu. contohnya hal-hal kayak gini nih
1. tanam pohon. 
efektif banget buat ngeredam global warming
2. jangan pakai tas plastik
soalnya, plastik dibuat di pabrik yang banyak banget ngeluarin asap yang dengan sukses memperparah flobal warming. lagian plastik ngga bisa hancur/terurai dengan tanah.
3. jalan kaki/naik sepeda kalo mau pergi ke tempat yang dekat
kalau mau ke warung mending naik sepeda aja. selain ngurangi global warming juga nyehatin badan kan?
4. kurangi pemakaian kertas
kertas dibuat dari pohon. jadi semkin banyak kertas yang kita pakai semakin banyak juga pohon yang ditebang. 

jadi, ayo kurangi global warming dari sekarang supaya kita ngga nyesel di kemudian hari. juga supaya bumi kita panjang umur dan kita nyaman menempatinya. :D :D

24 Mei 2010

A Very Exhausting Week

sumpah dua minggu ini super duper melelahkan dan menguras otak! 3 kali ujian dalam dua minggu, bayangkan! emang sih niat pihak sekolah baik biar kita belajarnya jadi satu. tapi tetep aja jadwalnya bikin otak kriting! ni dia jadwal pengurasan plus pengkritingan otak:
Senin, 24 Mei 2010 - Selasa, 25 Mei 2010 => RSBI Final Examination
Senin,  31 Mei 2010 - Selasa, 1 Juni 2010  => Tes Pengendalian Mutu Kota Magelang
Rabu, 2 Juni 2010 - Senin, 7 Juni 2010      => Final Examination

whoa.. bener-bener deh ni jadwal! materinya naujubilah banyak minta ampun lagi. 
tapi ya sudahlah, harus semangat! biar nilainya ngga ngecewain. doain aku ya biar bisa melaluinya dengan baik (bahasanya neng.. ;D). Caiyo!!!

Overboard Love (Justin Bieber Ft. Jessica Jarrell) lyrics

It feels like we've been out at sea
So back and forth that's how its seems
Whoa and when I want to talk
you say to me
That if its meant to be, it will be
So crazy in this thing we call love
The love that we got that we just cant give up
I'm reaching out for you
tell me out here in the water and I)

I'm overboard and I need your love
Pull me up
I cant swim on my own
Its to much
Feels like I'm drowning without your love
So throw yourself out to me
My life saver
Life saver
Oh life saver
My life saver
Life saver
Oh life saver oh wow

Never understand you when you say
Wanting me to met you half way.
Felt like I was doing my part
Get bringing your coming up short
Funny how these thing change
Cause now I see

So crazy in this love we call love
and now that we got it
we just can't give up
I'm reaching out for ya
Got me out here in the water and I

I'm overboard
And I need your love
Pull me up (Pull me up)
I can't swim on my own
Its to much (It's to much)
Feels like I'm drowning without your love
So throw yourself out to me
My life saver

It's supposed to be some give and take I know.
Your only taking and not given any more
So what will I do? (So what will I do?)
Cause I still love you. (Still love you Baby)
You're the only one who can save me

I'm overboard
And I need your love
Pull me up (Pull me up)
I cant swim on my own
Its to much (Its to much)
Feels like I'm drowning (Im drowning baby I'm drowning)without your love
So throw yourself out to me (Can't swim)
My life saver
Life saver
Oh life saver
My life saver
(Its crazy, crazy crazy, yeah) Life saver
Oh life saver
Oh life saver
Oh life saver
Oh life saver

15 Mei 2010

connecting classroom

beberapa hari ini sekolahku lagi rajin-rajinnya ngadain pelatihan connecting classroom. adakah yang tahu connecting classroom itu? connecting classroom itu program kerjasama antara England sama negara-negara Asia Tenggara. anggotanya itu guru-guru en murid-murid dari sekolah yang udah bekerjasama. murid-murid dan guru-gurunya itu bisa posting suatu topik, terus ntar bisa ditanggepi sama orang lain se-Asia Tenggara en England. asik juga lho ikut connecting classroom ini. kita bisa ketemu and sharing sama temen baru dari inggris dan asia tenggara. yang dibahas macem-macem, dari makanan, olahraga, musik, film, pengalaman, hobi, sampe isu-isu global. kalo kita rajin posting dan beruntung kita bisa diundang lho ke luar negeri buat ketemuan sama mereka-mereka yang posting ini. kayak kakak kelasku yang tahun kemaren kepilih trus dia bisa ngunjungi Vietnam bareng peserta dari negara laen. asyik ya?? aku pengen deh.. hahaha.. dalam waktu dekat ini juga bakal ada forum lagi di england.. sangat berharap terpilih nih aku.. hihi.. doakan saja yah!! ^^