31 Des 2010

#2011 wish

1. rajin solat :p
2. bisa rutin belajar. apalagi matik sama fisika -,-
3. harus bisa nabung!
4. mikir dulu baru ngomong. *biasanya ngomong dulu baru mikir alias asal jeplak :p
5. enggak minta-minta yang gak perlu sama ortu
6. enggak bantah-bantah orang tua lagi
7. LULUS UN!!! NEM minimal 40! *aminaminamin
8. sukses ujian sekolah, ujian praktek, ujian masuk, dan temen-temennya 
9. masuk smansa ato TN :D :D
10. teliti sama barang-barang *pengalaman ngilangin 3 hp =='
11. liat orang bukan dari luar tapi dari dalem diri orang itu
12. talk less do more
13. belajar 1 bahasa asing! *kalo bisa sih prancis #ngayal
14. enggak minder kalo liat seseorang lebih diatas aku dan enggak sombong kalo ada seseorang yang dibawah aku *daleeeem...

apa lagi yah? kayaknya masih banyak deh. hahaha. yah intinya tahun depan harus lebih dari tahun kemaren. nggak ngulangin kesalahan yang dilakuin kemaren. pokoknya lebih dewasa :p
cheers :DD

21 Des 2010

I Learned That ...

I learned that,
I can't force other people to love me..
I can only do something for the people I love..

I learned that,
it takes years to build a trust..
and only takes a few seconds only to destroy it..

I learned that,
with best friend we can do many things..
and we always have the best time..

I learned that,
I think people are evil,,
it is one that evokes the spirit of my life back, and people who give attention to me.

I learned that,
true friendship continues to grow even though separated by far distance.
Some of them gives the true love.

I learned that,
If someone doesn't give attention as I wish,
that's not mean that he doesn't love me.

I learned that,
although the very good couple,
they would ever hurt me and I must forgive him for that.

I learned that,
I must learn to forgive myself and others,
if don't want to feel guilt.

I learned that,
environment can influence my mind,
but i have to take responsibility for what I have done.

I learned that,
two people can see the same object,
but sometimes from a different sight.

I learned that,
it doesn't matter what I have,
but what matter is who am I actually.

I learned that,
there's nothing instant or fast-paced in this world,
all need process and growth.

I learned that,
I had to choose whether become the master of attitudes and emotions,
or attitudes and emotions are mastered me.

I learned that,
I have the right to be angry,
but it doesn't mean I should hate someone and do something bad.

I learned that,
sweet words without action,,
are the time when people who I love must leave me alone..

I learned that,
those people who I love,
often taken quickly from my life...

NB: aku nemu ini di laptop lupa nyari dimana. kalo ada yang ngerasa ada yang menciptakan kasih tahu ya, biar bisa aku cantumin namanya. ntar dikira copas lagi. Thanks a lot :)

20 Des 2010

From Nicholas Sparks’s The Rescue:)

By _sulee

By gabby snyder

quote submitted by krispyyleighh

Happy Mother's Day! :)

ini aku ambil dari majalah Kawanku edisi 88/2010. yah cuma buat ngingetin gimana pengorbanan dan kasih sayang ibu ke kita. lagian bagus sih ungkapannya *aku bilang ungkapan soalnya gak tahu ini puisi ato apa :p. walaupun hari ibu masih lama, gak papa kan ya dipost dari sekarang. daripada telat? :p
oh iya ucapan dibawah ini bisa buat sms, kartu or something like that. menurutku sih, ungkapannya bagus apalagi yang nggak biasa bilang sayang ke ibu, kan bisa lewat sms salah satu ungkapan ini :p *maksadotcom.

some moms rock,
some moms rule,
some moms great,
some moms cool,
some moms silly,
some moms fun,
you're all of that, rolled in to one
Happy Mother's Day! :)

there's nothing like a mother's touch 
to make everything better.
Have A Magical Mother's Day!

Dear Mom,
Today's a day to celebrate you,
The amazing woman who never stops to giving and caring.
Laughing and loving
Sincerely, your lucky daughter

a simple poem
right from my heart
it has seven 'lil words, which say:

To an amazing mom,
maker of excellent days,
outstanding in so many ways,
incredible, and fun
amazing in so many ways,

The one word to makes everyone in the world
feel love in their heart: MOM!

where there is a beauty in the world, there is a mother love.
happy mother's day, mom!

thank you
for being a wonderful mother,
and the very best kind of friend.
hope you know how lucky i feel to have mom like you

11 Des 2010

Time For Refresh Our Brain :p

aah.. akhirnya Ulangan Semester 1 kelar juga. setelah seminggu pemerasan otak aku hanya bisa berdoa semoga hasilnya bagus. amiin! tapi semesteran sekarang soalnya susah banget deh! gini nih kira-kira hasil ulangannya

Agama: jiakh, susaaaaaah banget sejarah masuknya islam. mepet banget nilainya 76 :(
Bahasa Indonesia: lumayan, gak susah banget!
PKn: banyak yang keluar dari LKS, padahal gak belajar! :@
Matematika: alhamdulillah gak ada essay :D
Biologi: soalnya bikin bingung, gambarnya gak jelas :(
Fisika: cuma dapet 8,25 :'(
Sejarah: aaah, susaaah... gak apal agresi militer sama perjanjiannya
Geografi: kisi-kisinya keluar semua. ahey! :D
Ekonomi: gak belajar jenis tabungan sama international trade :(
Bahasa Inggris: gurunya baik banget, gampang soalnya XD
Bahasa Jawa: gak susah... :p
TIK n PTD: ah, pelajaran gak penting, gak mikir deh :p

yah doakan saja nilai saya bagus dan tidak remidi. tapi habis semesteran ini enggak libur tapi malah jam tambahan. emang sih cuma 3 hari tapi 5 jam pelajaran sehari. hadoh males banget deh! harusnya kan buat liburan, istirahat gitu di rumah, eh malah masuk. mana pas ultah lagi. zzz = ='

pokoknya habis semesteran mau maen terus deh. baca komik, buku, liat film, internetan. pokoknya no belajar! buat refreshing sebelum tahun baru yang pastinya gak bakal sempat lagi nglakuin hal-hal kayak begitu. udah persiapan ujian soalnya. ujiannya aja Maret 2011. bayangin deh! cuma tinggal 3 bulan! bener-bener stres tahun baru besok nih. yah, doain aja lancar semua, UN lancar, US juga dan yang pasti NEMnya bagus. AMIIIIN!!! :D

LDKS 2010/2011 pics

ini dia foto-foto LDKS yang tidak nggenah XD tapi yang diupload baru dikit soalnya belum dipindah dari kameranya milda. yah ini dulu aja lah, walaupun tidak ada yang bagus dan yang pasti fotoku cuma satu :'(!!! :p

lagi dengerin bang hendra ceramah soal PBB. mukanya gak enak semua deh :p

latihan TUB. petugasnya bener-bener madesu *masa depan suram

snack malem trus gila-gilaan. tapi, kok aku gak ada seeh??? *lebaydotcom

dengerin ceramah pak papa. hmmm.. *no comment XD

 abis basket pagi-pagi. langsung heboh deh kalo liat kamera. itu yazid *pake baju oranye lucu banget mukanya !!! :p

 ini foto pas maghrib abis wide game. pada semangat 45 pas wide game. keren,keren :D

9 Des 2010

Take A Bow lyrics

 okay, now i wanna share a lyrics. it's rihanna's song actually but i prefer the glee version that sng by Lea Michele. her voice is just amazing! and i like this song. one of my fave =)

Ohh, how about a round of applause,
Hey, standin’ ovation,
Ooh, ohh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You look so dumb right now,
Standin’ outside my house,
Tryin’ to apologize,
You’re so ugly when you cry,
Please, just cut it out

Don’t tell me you’re sorry ’cause you’re not,
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught,
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin’,
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtains finally closin’,
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin’,
But it’s over now (but it’s over now),
Go on and Take a Bow, ohh..ohh

Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone),
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on),
Talkin ’bout girl, I love you, you’re the one,
This just looks like a re-run,
Please, what else is on
Don’t tell me you’re sorry ’cause you’re not (mmm),
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught (mmm),
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin’,
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtains finally closin’,
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin’,
But it’s over now (but it’s over now),
Go on and take a bow, ohh

And the award for the best lier goes to you (goes to you),
For makin’ me believe that you could be faithful to me,
Let’s hear your speech out?
(But you put on quite a show you really had me goin’),
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtains finally closin’,
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin’,
But it’s over now (but it’s over now),
Go on and Take A Bow
But it’s over now