30 Des 2011
Wanna Appears on A Movie?
hai semuaaa... :D
eh, tau nggak barusan aku liat SM Town Movie Teaser. jadi kayaknya SM Management mau bikin film biografi gitu buat artis-artisnya. judulnya I AM. video dibuka dengan perkenalan artis-artis SM. trus tiba-tiba gambar suamiku nongol hahaha. Minho kayak ngenalin diri gitu. dia bilang "I am Minho. I am SHINee" trus ada key, sungmin, ryeowook, leeteuk, yunho, dan changmin. abis itu mereka ngucapin Happy New Year.
tapi tapi tapi yang paling menarik adalah kita bisa muncul di film itu! caranya bikin cover dance artis-artis SM terserah yang mana aja yang penting SM trus upload ke MNet.
pengen banget lho ikut tapi masa iya ntar di asrama bikin cover dance gitu? sama siapa coba? yang ada malah diketawain ntar. males banget gak sih -___-
pasti ya kalo aku masih smp, aku sama kgank bakal bikin tuh video trus ngecover lucifer abis itu langsung diupload. sayangnya kita udah mencar dan liburan tinggal 3 hari lagi, ga bisa buat cover begituan. ah sedih banget deh :"(
oiya buat yang pengen ikutan atau cuma nyoba bisa liat videonya. ini nih videonya. buat yang mau ikutan good luck semoga kamu masuk film itu :D
27 Des 2011
11.11.11 (?)
okee.. aku gak ngerti cara main ini (?) aku cuma ditag oleh my beloved bestfriend Anin
dan karena aku gak mudeng aku cuma mau ngisi 11 things about me sama 11 question from tagger. let's do this!
11 things about me
1. orangnya moody parah
11 things about me
1. orangnya moody parah
2. sekarang sedang berjuang sekolah di asrama :)
3. sukaaaa banget makan tapi gak mau gendut
4. introvert
5. loves books, musics, movies
6. normatif (?)
7. berambisi jadi diplomat
8. love pink so much
9. still single till now #curhaat :p
10. alay
11. ceplas-ceplos alias bacot
11 questions from Anin
1. Hal apa yang paling kamu suka?
1. Hal apa yang paling kamu suka?
- when everything goes as what i've planned/hoped
2. Dengan cara apa kamu ingin membahagiakan orang yang kamu sayangi?
2. Dengan cara apa kamu ingin membahagiakan orang yang kamu sayangi?
- lebih ke nunjukin prestasi aku untuk dia. aku bukan orang yang bisa ngomong sayang secara langsung
3. Sebutkan satu kata yang kamu banget.
3. Sebutkan satu kata yang kamu banget.
- alay! hahahaha
4. 5 resolusi kamu di tahun 2012.
4. 5 resolusi kamu di tahun 2012.
- make my parents proud
- ranking 5 besar lagi
- have a trip overseas
- stay safe at my school
- not single :D
5. Apa lagu favorit kamu?
5. Apa lagu favorit kamu?
- all SHINee's songs are my favorite song forever
6. Lebih milih banyak teman biasa apa satu sahabat dekat?
6. Lebih milih banyak teman biasa apa satu sahabat dekat?
- banyak sahabat deket :D
7. Pernah enggak kamu mimpi, atau terbersit keinginan buat jadi artis? Artis kayak gimana? :p
7. Pernah enggak kamu mimpi, atau terbersit keinginan buat jadi artis? Artis kayak gimana? :p
- artis film yang profesional, bisa bawa nama indonesia ke internasional, bisa pacaran sama minho :p
8. Skenario film yang akan kamu buat kalo kamu seorang scriptwriter?
8. Skenario film yang akan kamu buat kalo kamu seorang scriptwriter?
- film yang kayak kehidupan sehari-hariku :)
9. Hidup ini indah. Have you ever feel it? When?
9. Hidup ini indah. Have you ever feel it? When?
- yes! when i'm with people who loved me
10. Post yang paling kamu suka di blog kamu?
10. Post yang paling kamu suka di blog kamu?
- foto-foto :p
11. Kritik, saran, pendapat kamu tentang blog aku :)
11. Kritik, saran, pendapat kamu tentang blog aku :)
- cool! keep it updated :D
yak, that was the question. nin, please ya pertanyaanmu nyebelin bet -_____-
anyway thanks for tagging me :D
It's About Madhoe
pernah gak sih kalian ngerasain homesick? homesick begitu parah sampe-sampe kalian nangis kalo ada hal kecil nyinggung tentang rumah? aku pernah ngalamin itu banget.
itu waktu pertama masuk asrama. selalu nangis setiap malem. kalo gak salah sih seminggu pertama itu. that was the hardest moment. tapi setelah tiga minggu, sebulan, dua bulan sampe satu semester udah 'agak' gak kerasa. homesick pasti ada lah cuma kadang. paling waktu gak tahan sama kegiatan kita yang padet. kalo gak pas pelajaran susah kitanya gak bisa. paling nyebelin tu sakit di asrama. beeuh, udah ga ada yg sayang-sayang kita, ga masuk sekolah, badan gaenak. ribet dan gaenak banget. untuk aku gak pernah sakit :D
tapi ya sebagai remaja kita pasti pernah ah nyesel masuk asrama. kita yang harusnya maen, hangout, bebas gitu deh harus terrbelenggu (?) dengan aturan asrama. hahahaha, sempit banget gak sih pikirannya? but everything will be good in the end. biasanya kalo udah begitu curhat ke temen sekamar. trus kita nangis bareng, nyesel bareng, nyampah bareng. tapi akhirnya kita saling menguatkan. they just like my sister :D yaa, walaupun kita sering marahan, sebel-sebelan tapi kalo gak ada satu aja langsung dicariin. ada yang sakit dirawat. so sweet deh kayak pengganti ortu gitu di asrama. o ya temen sekamarku ada firdha, dini, dhira, tiara, puri, fira, syifa, tami.
ini nih mereka yang sering nangis bareng aku, ngejekin aku, gila bareng. big thanks for them who gave me strength until now. wish we can past the rest of the semester together. go madhoe :**
NB: there's no dhira here because she was on the church when we took the photo.
Just Enjoy the Show
pics of Malam Panda Jateng 2011 @ Diamond Hotel, Solo
with my roommate, shafira
me, ridho, fira (again)
with the boys
with onya, kak eka, kak marvina, kak nia
it's my show :D the 'pesiar' clothes
with Bella and Iqbal
with Bella and Iqbal
big applause to Elga and Danar!!!
we are panda Jateng XXII batch!!!
our beloved sister and brother :)
love this pic the most. thanks to onya who took it :)
Finally, I Met Them :)
akhirnyaaaa.... aku ketemu mereka!!! kangen banget nget nget. jeongmal bogoshippo. lliburan udah seminggu tapi kita baru ketemu senin kemaren tanggal 26 dan itu dalam rangka merampokku karena tanggal 24 aku ultah >.< tapi ikhlas asal ketemu mereka lagi. really really missing you guys :**
kita ngumpul di artos, mall baru di magelang, hahaha.. baru 3 kali kesana aku. oiya kita kan janjian jam 12 tapi molor setengah jam gara-gara aku hehehe. aku ada acara gitu sebeumnya trus harus lari-lari ke artosnya :( capek parah. ternyata udah ditunggun di j.co ber5 komplit! dengan sebuah piring ditengah meja bertuliskan 'Happy B'day DPI' :) aaah, mereka so swit banget :D trus ada pesen2nya gitu disekelilingnya. nongkrong di j.co 2 jam sambil ngobrol-ngobrol. trus nyari makan, tapi penuh semua -___- akhirnya makan di istana es. yang makan cuma 3 orang sih dan dengan pedenya dion pesen nasi goreng pedes padahal dia gak tahan pedes. sampe nangis-nangis dia ngabisinnya. kekeke rasain tu, belagu sih :p
trus ngobrol lagi sampe jam 4 trus pulang. yah walaupun cuma makan tapi lumayanlah pengobat kangen :D oh ya ini pics kita kemaren :D
miss her so much. my unbeatable bestfriend Ade :)
soooo envy with her hair :(
with my brother Dion. he's tall now :(
me, anin, ade and my birthday present which 'gak modal' XD
me, anin, ade, and my lil sis ilma
he's the only boys here :p
makan sore (?) di istana es
ini ekspresi dion waktu kepedesan nasi goreng. ngakak parah!
hai :D lama sekali aku gak post. setengah tahun kali ya gak post. pengen post sih tapi gak bisa, aku masuk asrama huhuhu... ga boleh bawa laptop dulu :( jadi ga update nih soal korea-korea gitu
ngomong-ngomong soal korea jadi pengen curhat nih. dulu ya waktu aku kelas 9 kan lagi seneng-senengnya sama korea. setiap hari ngomongin korea, sampe temen-temen pada ngejekin gitu. males banget kan? orang yang suka sini situ yang sewot ==' . udah gitu mereka jelek-jelekin yang kita omongin. dibilang banci lah, gak macho, modal tampang, oplas, dan segala omongan menyakitkan tentang bias. dan bagi seorang fans, biasnya diomongin tuh nyeseeeeeeek banget. okelah dia gak kenal kita, tapi so what kita suka dia gitu lho, gausah jelek-jelekin juga. just shut up!
akhirnya aku masuk asrama kan. baru 2 kali pulang ke rumah waktu lebaran sama natal ini. tiba-tiba saat melihat timeline twitter, oh-mai-got they talked about kpop! please ya, sampe histeris gitu. and you know what? itu tuh nyebelin banget, dulu aja bilang 'ih kok banci gitu' eh sekarang memuja setengah mati. hell-o kalian telat ya, plis. sotoy lagi soal artis-artisnya. eh, kita duluan ya yg tau gausah ngeyel. muna banget gak sih? mana telat lagi. nyebelin banget nget nget. ga terima saya -______-
oya the most nyebelin thing itu mereka kayak udah suka dari lama gitu lho. aaaaaa... nyebelin bet pokoknya!
okeee.. cukup sekian dari saya. maaf saya bacot :D kalo udah ngebacot ga bisa berhenti hahahaha :DD
annyeooong :**
2 Sep 2011
Lyrics for Kgank
I'm missing you so much
Can't help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
A Year Without Rain
I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
Who you are
Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me
As Long As You Love Me - Backstreet Boys
Someone Who knows When Your Lost and Your Scared
There through The Highs and The Lows
Someone to Count On
Someone Who Cares
Besides You Where Ever You Go
Gift of A Friend - Selena Gomez
The world would be a lonely place
Without the one that puts a smile on your face
So hold me 'til the sun burns out
I won't be lonely when I'm down
'Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer.
I've Got You - McFly
And I wonder if I
Ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I've lost all control
And I need you now
And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now
Need You Now - Lady Antebellum
Since i found you my world seems so brand new
You've show me the love i never knew
Your presence is what my whole life through
Since i found you my life begin so new
Now who needs a dream when there is you
For all of my dreams came true
Since i found you
You've show me the love i never knew
Your presence is what my whole life through
Since i found you my life begin so new
Now who needs a dream when there is you
For all of my dreams came true
Since i found you
Since I Found You - Christian Bautista
So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe six is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking six is better than one
That I can't live without you
And maybe six is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking six is better than one
two is better than one - Boys Like Girls ft. Taylor Swift *dengan sedikit perubahan :p
okee.. lirik-lirik tadi buat kalian chingu :D emang sih kebanyakan lagunya ga berhubungan sama friendship tapi that's my feeling for you all :D jadi dihubung-hubungin aja okee.. #maksa
oh ya diliriknya BLG sama Taylor Swift, kalian setuju gak? kalo aku sih buangeeet ehehehe..
okeee... seee you 3,5 months ago Kgank. Fighting!!! Annyeooong..... :DDDD
30 Agu 2011
2AM - I Did Wrong
내가 잘잘잘못했어
네 말이 달달달콤해서
맨날 말말말로만
날날날로 날 갖고 노는 걸 몰랐어
Baby do you really wanna hurt me?
Why are you doing this to me? why?
너의 다른 남자들 얘기
안좋다는 행실들 얘기
모르는 척 못들은 척 넘어가보려고 해봐도
자꾸 치근대는 술버릇
내 친구에게 짓는 웃음
고치라고 그만하라고
아무리 너에게 말해도
미안하다는 말은 다 그 때 뿐
변하겠다는 말도 다 그 때 뿐
내 가슴 아파 아파 아픈 걸 알면서도
자꾸만 반복되는 걸
내가 잘잘잘못했어
네 말이 달달달콤해서
맨날 말말말로만
날날날로 날 갖고 노는 걸 몰랐어
Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
그만두고 싶은데
잘못된 걸 아는데
다시 네 곁에 돌아가
Baby you and I
싸구려 유행가
속으로는 우는데 억지로 웃는 건데 (whoooo~~~~)
Baby you and I
싸구려 유행가 속으로는 우는데 우는데..
미안하다는 말은 다 그 때 뿐
변하겠다는 말도 다 그 때 뿐
내 가슴 아파 아파 아픈 걸 알면서도
자꾸만 반복되는 걸
내가 잘잘잘못했어
네 말이 달달달콤해서
맨날 말말말로만
날날날로 날 갖고 노는 걸 몰랐어
Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
그만두고 싶은데
잘못된 걸 아는데
다시 네 곁에 돌아가 YES!
삐끄덕 엇나간 내 몸과 맘 자존심도 없는 바보라 난
사랑에 속고도 눈물을 닦고 이럼 안 되는데 네게로 가
니가 놀다버린 장난감이란 사실에 기분이 참 난감
근데 왜 왜 왜 왜 난 오늘도 니 앞에서 웃는 광대
내가 잘잘잘못했어
네 말이 달달달콤해서
맨날 말말말로만
날날날로 날 갖고 노는 걸 몰랐어
Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
그만두고 싶은데
잘못된 걸 아는데
다시 네 곁에 돌아가
I Was Wrong (Romanization)
[Seulong] Naega jal-jal-jalmothaesseo
Neo mari dal-dal-dalkomhaeseo
Maennal mal-mal-malloman
Nal-nal-nalro nal gatgo noneun geol mollasseo
[Changmin] Baby do you really wanna hurt me?
Why are you doing this to me? why?
[Kwon] Neowi dareun namjadeul yaegi
Anjohdaneun haengshildeul yaegi
Moreuneun cheok motdeureun cheok neomeogaboryeogo haebwado
[Seulong] Jakku jigeundaeneun sulpeoreut
Nae chinguege jitneun useum
Gochirago geumanharago
Amuri neoege malhaedo
[Changmin] Mianhadaneun mareun da go ttae ppun
Byeonhagetdaneun maldo da geu ttae ppun
Nae gaseum apha apha apheun geol almyeonseodo
Jakkuman banbokdoeneun geol
[Jinwoon] Naega jal-jal-jalmothaesseo
Neo mari dal-dal-dalkomhaseo
Maennal mal-mal-malloman
Nal-nal-nalro nal gatgo noneun geol mollasseo
[Seulong] Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
[Changmin] Geumandugo shipeunde
Jalmotdoeneun geol aneunde
Dasi ne gyeothe doraga
[Jinwoon] Baby you and I
Ssaguryeo yuhaengga
Sokheuroneun uneunde eokjiro utneun geonde (whoooo~~~~)
[Changmin] Baby you and I
Ssaguryeo yuhaengga sogeuroneun uneunde uneunde..
[Jinwoon] Mianhadaneun mareun da geu ttae ppun
Byeonhagetdaneun maldo da geu ttae ppun
[Changmin] Nae gaseum apha apha apheun geol almyeonseodo
Jakkuman banbokdoeneun geol
[Jinwoon] Naega jal-jal-jalmothaesseo
Neo mari dal-dal-dalkomhaeseo
Maennal mal-mal-malloman
Nal-nal-nalro nal gatgo noneun geol mollasseo
[Kwon] Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
[Changmin] Geumandugo shipeunde
Jalmotdoen geol aneunde
Dasi ne gyeothe doraga YES!
[Changmin] Ppikkeudeok eotnagan nae momgwamam jajonshimdo eomneun babora nan
[Jinwoon] Sarange sokgodo nunmureul dakkgo ireom an doeneunde negeroga
[Changmin] Niga noldabeorin jangnangamiran sashire gipuni cham nangam
Geunde wae wae wae wae
[Jinwoon] nan oneuldo ni apheseo utneun gwangde
[Kwon] Naega jal-jal-jalmothaesseo
neomari dal-dal-dalkomhaeseo
maennal mal-mal-malloman
nal-nal-nalro nal gatgo noneun geol mollasseo
[Seulong] Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
[Changmin] Geumandugo shipeunde
Jalmotdoeneun geol aneunde
Dasi ne gyeothe doraga.
I Was Wrong (Translation)
I was wrong wrong wrong
Your words were so, so, so sweet that
I didn’t realize you were playing me, me, me
with your words, words, words everyday
Baby do you really wanna hurt me?
Why are you doing this to me? why?
The stories regarding your other men
The stories regarding your behavior
I tried to ignore and pretended that I didn’t hear but
The way you act when you are intoxicated
The way you smile at my friend
Change it Stop it
Even though I tell you many times
You say I’m so sorry only for that moment
You say I will change only for that moment
My heart in pa, pa, pain it hurts but
I can’t help but repeating
I was wrong wrong wrong
Your words were so, so, so sweet that
I didn’t realize you were playing me, me, me
with your words, words, words everyday
Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
I want to stop this
I know this is wrong
but I keep going back to you
Baby you and I
Like a bad popular song
I’m crying inside, but I force a smile like a clown
Baby you and I
Like a bad popular song
I’m crying inside
You say I’m so sorry only for that moment
You say I will change only for that moment
My heart in pa, pa, pain it hurts but
I can’t help but repeating
I was wrong wrong wrong
Your words were so, so, so sweet that
I didn’t realize you were playing me, me, me
with your words, words, words everyday
Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
I want to stop this
I know this is wrong
but I keep going back to you Yes!
My heart and body go astray
I am a such fool with no pride that
Although I was deceived by love I wipe my tears
and just go back to you knowing that this is wrong
The fact that I am a toy that you played and threw away
Makes my feeling unbearable
But Why! Why! Why! Why!
Today I am a clown who smiles in front of you again
I did you wrong wrong wrong
Your words were so, so, so sweet that
I didn’t realize you were playing me, me, me
with your words, words, words everyday
Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
I want to stop this
I know this is wrong
but I keep going back to you
1. i like kpop so much, bisa dibilang tergila-gila bahkan. so what? suka kpop bukan berarti aku gak nasionalis kan? aku bangga kok jadi orang Indonesia, aku bangga kebudayaan Indonesia, aku bangga juga sama musik, film apapun itu dari Indonesia tapi yang bener-bener bermutu dan gak contek sana sini. masa iya kita harus bangga sama sesuatu yang nyontek dari yang lain?
2. aku emang orangnya gak banyak omong, aku emang bikin percakapan. aku emang susah nyambung sama orang. aku emang kalo ngomong nylekit. so what? aku emang lebih suka denger daripada ngomong because i think it's more useful than talking nonsense
3. aku emang bukan anak gaul. aku cuma anak 'ndeso' yang rumahnya mencil. gatau tempat-tempat gaul. so what? bukan berarti aku bisa diabaiin gitu aja waktu kalian ngomongin soal ini.
4. aku emang gak keren. aku freak! yeah, that's me. so what? bukan berarti aku gak butuh temen juga!
5. aku emang pendiem. so what? tapi gak berarti kalo aku ngomong semua orang ngga harus merhatiin. emang tau apa rasanya ngomong gak pernah didengerin, gak pernah ditanggepin? kalian mah enak ngambek teriak-teriak ntar yang lain perhatiin kalian lagi. aku? kalo aku kayak gitu dikira lebay, alay, ga jelas, caper. serba salah! kapan aku pernah bener dimata kaliaan???!!
maaf ya ini bener-bener nyampah. setelah beberapa minggu bergaul sama temen-temen baru itu tanggepanku.
dari 5 poin diatas i'm absolutely not cool. tapi, hei aku juga manusia, aku juga remaja, aku juga labil. aku perlu perhatian woy! emang kalian aja yang bisa curhat sana-sini? aku juga pengen woy! tapi gaada yang mau denger. giliran ga enak larinya ke aku. emang kalian anggep aku apa? tong sampah?
kapan kalian pernah liat aku woy? kapan kalian pernah nganggep aku? plis, walaupun dikit kasih aku sesuatu itu. kalian gak pernah ngerasain sih. taunya kan kalian anak eksis, anak gaul pasti disenengin sama yang lain, diperhatiin, didengerin. paling ga suka digituin tau. suka sakit hati kalo kalian bisa bareng tapi aku selalu ditinggal ga diajak. sakit mamen!
maaf ya kalo terlalu frontal. tapi ini deepest from my heart. kalo ada yang mikir aku kurang perhatian, emaang, gak nyangkal. bilang lebay, silahkaaan... pokoknya udah nulis udah lega. bukan apa-apa gak bermaksud nyindir, tapi kalo ada yang kesindir alhamdulilah deh *gimana sih?*
dimaklumin aja yah yang baca, masa remaja emang masa labil :D
29 Agu 2011
Miss A - Good-Bye Baby
lagi tergila-gila sama MV baru Miss A yang ini. lagu sama dancenya kereeen... :D
Last Vacation w/ Kgank
beberapa foto waktu aku sama Kgank ditambah atika, tiwi, arina ke jogja. ini jalan-jalan terakhirku sama Kgank sebelum masuk TN kemarin. huhuhu.. sedih kakaaa... tapi kemaren asek banget! ke monjali, janggeum, malioboro, pokoknya muter-muter jogja gitu :D here's some pics in Monjali
ceritanya ngikutin stylenya SHINee yang mereka nyebrang jalan di London itu :D
pose-pose sok imut XD
yang ini gajelas parah!
29 Jun 2011
Annyeong~~ :)
temen-temen makasih ya buat hari ini. seneeeeeeeeeeeeeeng bangeeeet! gak bisa diungkapin kata-kata. kalian tahu apa yang paling buat aku seneng? suara tawa lepas kalian :) beneran gak bohong aku :D gatau kapan lagi bisa dengerin suara tawa kalian. sebulan lagi kah? tiga bulan lagi? setahun lagi? mollayo. yang pasti aku bakalan ngangenin itu. sempet nyesel kenapa kita baru deket selama 6 bulan, kenapa ngga dari dulu aja, kenapa sekarang kita harus pisah? aku gak rela sumpah! masih pengen maen bareng kalian, ngejekin kalian, ketawa bareng, ngedance bareng, autis bareng, dan masih buanyak lagi hal-hal yang pengen aku lakuin bareng kalian. tapi aku juga harus maju, aku punya mimpi dan aku harus ngejar mimpi itu. dan aku gak bisa stuck disini terus :)
eh tau gak sih, kalian itu temen-temen paling jjang yang pernah aku punya :D aku pengen nangis kalo inget besok aku udah gak bisa bareng kalian lagi. gak ada yang bisa gantiin kalian. oh iya aku minta maaf ya kalo selama ini aku suka egois, suka marah-marah gaje, gak sabaran, childish, garing pokoknya semua kesalahanku aku minta maap ya teman. aku cuma manusia biasa yang punya banyak salah #mellow #mulaigaje
dan makasih buat kenangan gak jelas tadi. kenangan terakhir dan terindah sebelum aku pisah sama kalian. seneng bisa denger tawa lepas kalian yang kayak mbak kunti untuk terakhir kalinya. seneng kalian bisa ketawa selepas itu. seneng kita bisa gila-gilaan kayak gitu. makasih ya :) kado terindah buat aku tau gak sih? #engga #doeng
last paragraph (?) Anin, Ilma, Nely, Ade jinjja gomawo udah mau temenan sama anak autis satu ini. aku sayang kalian :D tadi waktu mau turun dari mobil aku pengen nangis lho beneran gak boong tapi perpisahan gak boleh tangis-tangisan soalnya kita masih bisa ketemu lagi walaupun gatau kapan :) sukses ya di SMA masing-masing jangan lupain aku! awas kalian kalo sampe lupa! #nodongminho hehehe.. oh iya buat dion. woy! jjong gadungan! aku udah tau nama aslimu kim yoogeun! sumpah ngakak parah waktu denger namamu! kamu kok tiru-tiru yoogeun sih? kalo jung yoogeun mah bagus lha ini kim! parah lo bro xp. ahahaha.. mianhae saengie mian *bows kamu dongsaengku kan bukan hyung (?). aku ngga bakalan lupain kalian semua kok soalnya
dan makasih buat kenangan gak jelas tadi. kenangan terakhir dan terindah sebelum aku pisah sama kalian. seneng bisa denger tawa lepas kalian yang kayak mbak kunti untuk terakhir kalinya. seneng kalian bisa ketawa selepas itu. seneng kita bisa gila-gilaan kayak gitu. makasih ya :) kado terindah buat aku tau gak sih? #engga #doeng
last paragraph (?) Anin, Ilma, Nely, Ade jinjja gomawo udah mau temenan sama anak autis satu ini. aku sayang kalian :D tadi waktu mau turun dari mobil aku pengen nangis lho beneran gak boong tapi perpisahan gak boleh tangis-tangisan soalnya kita masih bisa ketemu lagi walaupun gatau kapan :) sukses ya di SMA masing-masing jangan lupain aku! awas kalian kalo sampe lupa! #nodongminho hehehe.. oh iya buat dion. woy! jjong gadungan! aku udah tau nama aslimu kim yoogeun! sumpah ngakak parah waktu denger namamu! kamu kok tiru-tiru yoogeun sih? kalo jung yoogeun mah bagus lha ini kim! parah lo bro xp. ahahaha.. mianhae saengie mian *bows kamu dongsaengku kan bukan hyung (?). aku ngga bakalan lupain kalian semua kok soalnya
with love
Desta :D
24 Jun 2011
f(x)'s newest MV Hot Summer!! :DD
Romanization lyrics
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
dojeohi ireohken deo andwegesseoh
naega eodeohgedeun jom sonbogesseoh
nalgeun seutailbakke moreneun neol
porodooseu eolmana meotjyojilji jom algesseoh
gyosileseoh samusil chaeksangeseo
cheongso an han bangeseo eoseo nahwara eoseo
ddeugeoeun gwangseon ssotajyo at ddakkeumhae
nunbusho saljjak jjipurin neun seongeulraeseu
eoleumeul kkaemun ip sok hwajak eoleolhae
haneuleun parahda mothae tumyeong haejyeo
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot neomu deowo
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ige je mat
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
malribu haebyeoneun anideorado
geumgaru ppuryeossni bunbusho pado
bal teukteuk teolgo aiseukeurim gagero
gaship gadeukhan TV ga jaemi eobseo
hangangeseo meul paran deonghaeeseo
jeo wateo pateueso jaemissge nolja eoseo
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot neomu deowa
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ige je mat
ddam heulrineun wigukineun gileul alryeojuja
neomu deowoomyeon kkaman gi ot ipja
Yeah! It Must Be Burning
Cuz I Got You Sweating In This Weather
All Them Heads Be Turning True Dat
You Know I Got It
ddeugeoun gwangseon ssotajyeo at ttakkeumhae
nunbusho saljjak jjipurin nun seongeulraesu
eoleumeul kkaemun ip sok wajak eoleolhae
haneuleun parahda mothae tumyeonghaeyeo
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot neomu deowo
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ige je mat
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot neomu deowo
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
dojeohi ireohken deo andwegesseoh
naega eodeohgedeun jom sonbogesseoh
nalgeun seutailbakke moreneun neol
porodooseu eolmana meotjyojilji jom algesseoh
gyosileseoh samusil chaeksangeseo
cheongso an han bangeseo eoseo nahwara eoseo
ddeugeoeun gwangseon ssotajyo at ddakkeumhae
nunbusho saljjak jjipurin neun seongeulraeseu
eoleumeul kkaemun ip sok hwajak eoleolhae
haneuleun parahda mothae tumyeong haejyeo
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot neomu deowo
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ige je mat
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
malribu haebyeoneun anideorado
geumgaru ppuryeossni bunbusho pado
bal teukteuk teolgo aiseukeurim gagero
gaship gadeukhan TV ga jaemi eobseo
hangangeseo meul paran deonghaeeseo
jeo wateo pateueso jaemissge nolja eoseo
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot neomu deowa
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ige je mat
ddam heulrineun wigukineun gileul alryeojuja
neomu deowoomyeon kkaman gi ot ipja
Yeah! It Must Be Burning
Cuz I Got You Sweating In This Weather
All Them Heads Be Turning True Dat
You Know I Got It
ddeugeoun gwangseon ssotajyeo at ttakkeumhae
nunbusho saljjak jjipurin nun seongeulraesu
eoleumeul kkaemun ip sok wajak eoleolhae
haneuleun parahda mothae tumyeonghaeyeo
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot neomu deowo
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot ige je mat
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot neomu deowo
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer
English Translation
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
I can't take this anymore
I'm going to take care of this somehow
I don't know anything but your old style
If I were to produce you, do you have any idea how cool you can be?
Come on, come out from the classroom,
From the office desk, from your uncleaned room
Sunglasses protecting my eyes from the hot,
Blinding, slightly stinging sunlight rays
The tingling feeling of biting the ice in your mouth
The sky is clear and blue
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot so hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot, this is definitely my taste
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Even if it isn't the Malibu beach
The waves still sparkle like gold dust
I brush off my feet before entering an ice cream shop
With uninteresting gossip broadcasting on the TV
Come on let's play in the water from the Han River
And at the water park in the east sea
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot so hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot, this is definitely my taste
Let's show the sweating foreigners here
If it's too hot, wear something black and long
Yeah! It must be burning
Cause I got you sweating in this weather
All them heads be turning, true that
You know I got it
Sunglasses protecting my eyes from the hot,
Blinding, slightly stinging sunlight rays
The tingling feeling of biting the ice in your mouth
The sky is clear and blue
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot so hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot, this is definitely my taste
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot so hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
I can't take this anymore
I'm going to take care of this somehow
I don't know anything but your old style
If I were to produce you, do you have any idea how cool you can be?
Come on, come out from the classroom,
From the office desk, from your uncleaned room
Sunglasses protecting my eyes from the hot,
Blinding, slightly stinging sunlight rays
The tingling feeling of biting the ice in your mouth
The sky is clear and blue
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot so hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot, this is definitely my taste
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Even if it isn't the Malibu beach
The waves still sparkle like gold dust
I brush off my feet before entering an ice cream shop
With uninteresting gossip broadcasting on the TV
Come on let's play in the water from the Han River
And at the water park in the east sea
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer Hot Hot Hot Hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot so hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot, this is definitely my taste
Let's show the sweating foreigners here
If it's too hot, wear something black and long
Yeah! It must be burning
Cause I got you sweating in this weather
All them heads be turning, true that
You know I got it
Sunglasses protecting my eyes from the hot,
Blinding, slightly stinging sunlight rays
The tingling feeling of biting the ice in your mouth
The sky is clear and blue
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot so hot
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot, this is definitely my taste
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot Summer
Hot Summer Ah Hot Hot so hot
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer
My Best Friend
Dedicated to: Anin, Ilma, Ade, Nely :)
saranghae chingudeu *kiss *hugs *love hehehehe
[Taeyeon] eoje jageun datumedo
oneur utgo anajugo
gamssajugi ja seoro yaksok
You are my best friend
[Jessica] geujeo heuhan gominedo
gwaenhi honja chamji malgo
malhaejugi hanbeonman deo yaksok
[Yoona] nan nega useur ttaemyeon nado haengbokhae
[Yuri] nan nega seulpeur ttaemyeon
nae du nundo jeotneun geol
[Yuri] nan nega seulpeur ttaemyeon
nae du nundo jeotneun geol
i sesang hanappunin my friend
naui gippeum naui yeonghon
guereon sojunghameur jikyeogalge
haneure yeongwonhi maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
i sesang hanappunin my friend
naui gippeum naui yeonghon
guereon sojunghameur jikyeogalge
haneure yeongwonhi maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
[Jessica/Tiffany] eonjena naega
himi doeeo julkkeo ya
pyeongsaengtorog neomanui danjjak
himi doeeo julkkeo ya
pyeongsaengtorog neomanui danjjak
[Sunny] joheun yeonghwa joeun norae
joheun saram chajeumyeon kkog alyeojugi
uri hamkke yaksok
joheun saram chajeumyeon kkog alyeojugi
uri hamkke yaksok
[Seohyun] akkawohaji malgo
masitneun geos seoro sajugi
songarageur geolgo yaksok
masitneun geos seoro sajugi
songarageur geolgo yaksok
[Hyoyeon] nan nega eopseur ttaemyeon neomu sseulsseulhae
[Sooyoung] nan nega apeur ttaemyeon
jam mos deulgo geokjeonghae
[Sooyoung] nan nega apeur ttaemyeon
jam mos deulgo geokjeonghae
i sesang hanappunin my friend
naui gippeum naui yeonghon
guereon sojunghameur jikyeogalge
haneure yeongwonhi maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
nae salmui seonmuri ya my friend
naui boseog naui gijeok
geureon gamsahameur jikyeogalge
haneure tto hanbeon maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
i sesang hanappunin my friend
naui gippeum naui yeonghon
guereon sojunghameur jikyeogalge
haneure yeongwonhi maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
nae salmui seonmuri ya my friend
naui boseog naui gijeok
geureon gamsahameur jikyeogalge
haneure tto hanbeon maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
[Tiffany]hamkke sonjapgo mideum hanamyeon
eotteon irideun nan duryeopji anheungeol
[Jessica] ujeongiran mar eosaekhajiman
urireur wihaeseo mandeureonaen yaegigata
[Seohyun] my friend
eotteon irideun nan duryeopji anheungeol
[Jessica] ujeongiran mar eosaekhajiman
urireur wihaeseo mandeureonaen yaegigata
[Seohyun] my friend
i sesang hanappunin my friend
naui gippeum naui yeonghon
guereon sojunghameur jikyeogalge
haneure yeongwonhi maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
nae salmui seonmuri ya my friend
naui boseog naui gijeok
geureon gamsahameur jikyeogalge
haneure tto hanbeon maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
i sesang hanappunin my friend
naui gippeum naui yeonghon
guereon sojunghameur jikyeogalge
haneure yeongwonhi maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
nae salmui seonmuri ya my friend
naui boseog naui gijeok
geureon gamsahameur jikyeogalge
haneure tto hanbeon maengsehae
saranghae chinguya
yeppeun byeolmyeong jitgo jang nanchigo
meotjin os seoro gakkeum bakkwo ipgo
dachukbeonho beon nae beonhoro
geurigo danjjageun kkog pyeongsaengtorok
neon yeongwonhan naui chingu
dan hanppuin nae chingu
neon yeongwonghan naui chingu
dan hanappuin nae chingu
meotjin os seoro gakkeum bakkwo ipgo
dachukbeonho beon nae beonhoro
geurigo danjjageun kkog pyeongsaengtorok
neon yeongwonhan naui chingu
dan hanppuin nae chingu
neon yeongwonghan naui chingu
dan hanappuin nae chingu
English Translation
Taeyeon – Even though we argued a little yesterday
Today, we laugh and hug, embrace each other
Alright. Let’s make a promise
You are my best friend
Today, we laugh and hug, embrace each other
Alright. Let’s make a promise
You are my best friend
Jessica – Even if your worry may seem trivial
Don’t hold it in
But share it with each other. Promise me one more time
Don’t hold it in
But share it with each other. Promise me one more time
Yoona – When you laugh, I’m happy too
Yuri – When you’re sad, my eyes tear up.
Yuri – When you’re sad, my eyes tear up.
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend
Jessica/Tiffany – I’ll be your strength
I’ll always by your best friend
I’ll always by your best friend
Sunny – If you find a good movie, a song,
Or a person(guy), make sure to let share it with each other
Let’s make a promise together
Or a person(guy), make sure to let share it with each other
Let’s make a promise together
Seohyun – Let’s not be stingy and
Buy each other meals
Let’s make a promise with our finger
Buy each other meals
Let’s make a promise with our finger
Hyoyeon – For me, when you’re not here, I really feel lonely
Sooyoung – For me, when you’re sick, I can’t sleep. I worry about you
Sooyoung – For me, when you’re sick, I can’t sleep. I worry about you
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend
You’re my life’s present my friend
You’re my jewel. My miracle
I’ll protect my appreciative heart
Once again, I swear to God
I love you my friend
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend
You’re my life’s present my friend
You’re my jewel. My miracle
I’ll protect my appreciative heart
Once again, I swear to God
I love you my friend
Tiffany – With faith and holding hands, no matter what I won’t be afraid
Sica – The word friendship may sound awkward, but I think that word was created
To describe us.
Sica – The word friendship may sound awkward, but I think that word was created
To describe us.
Seohyun – my friend
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend
You’re my life’s present my friend
You’re my jewel. My miracle
I’ll protect my appreciative heart
Once again, I swear to God
I love you my friend
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend
You’re my life’s present my friend
You’re my jewel. My miracle
I’ll protect my appreciative heart
Once again, I swear to God
I love you my friend
We make pretty nicknames for each other and play around
Sometimes, we share our cool clothes
You’re number one in my speed dial.
You’ll always be my best friend
Forever you’re my friend
You’re my only one, my friend
Forever you’re my friend
You’re my only one, my friend
Sometimes, we share our cool clothes
You’re number one in my speed dial.
You’ll always be my best friend
Forever you’re my friend
You’re my only one, my friend
Forever you’re my friend
You’re my only one, my friend
15 Jun 2011
Infinite - Nothing's Over
sebenernya infinite udah agak lama rilis ini tapi entah kenapa aku baru suka sekarang :p
lagunya enak, easy listening, video klipnya juga unyu. seunyu membernya :DD
LYRICS[Sungkyu] Yeah, ooh-ooh! [L] niga meoreojinda (da-da) meolli jeomi doenda (da-da) Bareul ddeji mothae maeuman dwijjocha ddara ganda [Sungkyu] naneun ajiginde (de-de-eh-eh-eh-eh) Byeonmyeongdo mothaeneunde (de-de-eh-eh-eh-eh) [Woohyun] han bal mulleoseoseo Goodbye (Goodbye) Aju jamsiman nan Goodbye (Goodbye) Nothing's over [Sungjong+Sungyeol] Nothing's over Nothing's over [Sungjong+Sungyeol] Nothing's over Nothing's over [Sungkyu] jumuneul oewo naege Ddan nom mannamyeon andwae (oh! ) Beolsseo geureomyeon andwae (ooooh! ) [Sungkyu] ajigeun ggeunan ge aniya [Woohyun] ani aniya [Sungkyu] neol bonaen jeok eopseo Baby yeah, baby yeah [Dongwoo] I think about you all day long Jamsibbunin eodumsogeseo jocha neol chaja hemae-eo Datilbbunin gamjeongsogeseo huh Nal chajawa gamssa andeon ddaddeuthan neoui melody I hear that never forget you [Sungkyu] aniya I will find my baby Nothing's over [Sungjong+Sungyeol] Nothing's over Nothing's over [Sungjong+Sungyeol] Nothing's over Nothing's over [L] jumuneul oewo naege Ddan nom mannamyeon andwae (oh! ) Beolsseo geureomyeon andwae (ooooh! ) [Woohyun] ajigeun ggeunan ge aniya [Sungkyu] ani aniya [Woohyun] neol bonaen jeok eopseo [Hoya] Uri cheoeum bwatdeon nal neomuna ddeollyeotdeon na Niga naege haetdeon mal babocheoreom mideun na Ni saenggage jam mot irudeon da mirudeon nal anajwo Imi meoreojyeo beoryeodo na arajwo [Sungkyu] He-eojil sudo isseo geurae geureol su isseo [Woohyun] hajiman ireoken aniya (ani aniya) [Sungkyu] nan ggeunael su eopseo Ddan nom mannamyeon andwae [Woohyun] oh! oh! Beolsseo geureomyeon andwae [Woohyun] ooooh! [Woohyun] ajigeun ggeunan ge aniya (ani aniya) [Sungkyu] na-egen neo bbuniya (neo bbuniya) |
New Drama 'Playfull Kiss'
annyeong everybadeh :D
hehehe.. beberapa hari ini lagi kecanduan sama drama korea nih! dan salah satunya Playfull Kiss. judul asli di korea sono sih Jangnansereon Kiss. yang main Kim Hyun Joong mantan pacarku,Jung So Min, Lee Tae Seong dll. sebenernya ini udah lama tayang di korea. kalo gak salah bulan Septemberan kemarin. tapi aku kan baru liat sekarang jadi baru dong buat aku *mekso. oh iya katanya Playfull Kiss mau ditayangin di Indosiar yah? beneran gak sih? soalnya aku gak pernah ngikutin drama di Indosiar. hehehe... :D
jadi ceritanya berkisar soal cinta segi tiga Oh Ha Ni (Jung So Min), Baek Seung Jo (Hyun Joong), sama Bong Jun Gu (Tae Seong). di awal cerita diceritain Ha Ni siswi SMU yang *maaf yah* bodoh, bahkan dia ranking terakhir di sekolahnya. dia cinta mati sama Seung Jo, siswa terpintar, populer di sekolah itu. trus Ha Ni ngirim Seung Jo surat cinta gitu deh. tapi sama Seung Jo malah ditolak bahkan dikasih nilai D- *Seung Jonya kejem banget! >.<* Seung Jo bahkan bilang dia benci sama cewe bodo. trus Ha Ni patah hati. Tamat.
Beberapa hari kemudian, ada gempa bumi di rumah Ha Ni. rumahnya runtuh padahal yang lainnya ngga kenapa-napa loh. ngakak banget liatnya ^^. *yah namanya drama korea* trus Ha Ni sama ayahnya pindah ke rumah temen keluarga mereka. dan ternyata.. *jeng jeng* itu rumah Baek Seung Jo! Ha Ni girang banget gitu. terus dimulailah hari-hari Ha Ni untuk menggaet Seung Jo *bahasaku mak* dibantu sama Ummanya Seung Jo yang kocak banget :D
tapi, ngga segampang itu soalnya ada Joon Gu yang terobsesi banget sama Ha Ni. kemana-mana nempel terus coba! kekekeke..
Di awal aku sebutin cinta setiga tapi seiring berjalannya waktu *cieh* ada cinta segi enam disini u,u banyak banget deh yah! tapi dramanya lucu kok! sering gemes sama sikapnya Seung Jo malu-malu tapi mau xp. oh ya warning buat anak bawah umur di drama ini banyak adegan kissnya. di zoom lagi -,- padahal kan aku masih anak kecil. paling suka sama aktingnya So MIn disitu, cute abis! dan Hyun Joongnya keren banget! buat yang suka komedi romantis wajib nonton ini deh. oh iya ini ada beberapa scene mereka
berangkat sekolah bareng. liat mukanya Seung Jo tuh! asem banget. kekeke
Ha Ni minta tolong Seung Jo bantuin dia belajar supaya lulus ujian
Liat deh, mereka cute yah waktu tidur gitu :DD
bulan madu pertama *yeah, finally they were married*
Seung Jo's family. keluarga yang anehbin kocak
they're so cute together, right? Seung Jo's face, aaaah~~~~
very handsome :))
11 Jun 2011
SHINee @ France
Annyeong~ *lambai-lambai tangan
Eh tau gak tau gak pas ngepost ini envy banget wes aku! *njuk ngapa :p
soalnya ya lagi ada SMTOWN di PARIS!!!!! sumpah envy envy! kapan ya ada SMTOWN JOGJA gitu? xp kan deket sama magelang, lagian ortu pasti ngizinin. kalo di jakarta mah pasti kagak boleh. yah karena gak bakalan bisa liat di paris, noh aku kasih foto mereka waktu jalan-jalan diparis. siap-siap ember ya buat tadahin iler xp
uwaaa.. key unyu banget disini. kayak anak kecil :D
keyber couple. wdyt?
eh, liat nama gedungnya deh! namanya pavillon sully kayak nama sulli f(x) xp
what a cute couple! tapi lebih cocok jadi kak adik deh :D
iya kan, iya kan? *maksa* minho kan sama aku :DD *ngayal
hiyaa.. jongkey moment! ckckck couple satu ini dimana-mana mejeng terus ye? xp
I always love their style! especially taemin and minho here.
soooo manly! neommu joaheyo ♥♥♥
look at key ekspression! ᄏᄏᄏ ekspresi aneh Key ga ada matinya deh!
SHINee!!!! They're soooooooooo handsome!!! Taemin-ah~ liat kamera dong kalo foto :p
my fav pics ever! MINHO OPPA~~~~~ *shout *pingsan
buset buset buset!!! suami gw ganteng banget nget nget!! *digebukin flamers seindo
aaaa..... pokoknya aku padamu deh mas :DD
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