4 Jul 2012


I'm back with PORSISTARA!!! PORSISTARA is Pekan OlahRaga SISwa sma TAruna nusantaRA. it's yearly event (is that right yearly? dunno :p) In this event all classes started from X-1 till XI IS-3 compete in sport. usually it's held after final examination. There are many branch like swimming, girl futsal, football, volley, chess, badminton, table tennis, and relay. There's also opening ceremony and ledge of athlete just like in SEA games or OLYMPIAD. The contingents are from each class. As in TN habit we do "defile" with each flag class. Yes previously before PORSISTARA started each class make their own flag. It's like our symbol.

The defile
it's my class :D

It's my flag class. colorfull isn't it? :D What's the special is we wear our class T-shirt too. Yeaay! i'm bored with uniform here :p. Although the T-shirt that eentwee made is 'cacat' :( Look at the grey one. The writing of 'eentwee, in unity we trust' isn't clear rite? it should be orange not black. yeaah but it's fine :)

the rough sketch
the finished one

Let's start the game! :D but i just wanna share the games that my class followed. If i share all here it'll be tooooo much. hahaha :D

The first was relay. for the girl we're the fastest in the round but we didn't reach the limit, so we failed. so does the boys. at the end the winner for the girl was XI IA-1 and for the boys i forget but i think it was XI IA-5 or XI IA-7 hehehe sorry for the winner coz i forgot :p

 Next was girls futsal. It was me, Dian, Dyah, Dina, and Nurul. Firstly we're a lil bit worry because we will against XI IA-1 which the player is tall and good at sport. but duo Messi *it's what the boys called them -Dian and Dyah- was very good so we win!! yeaaay!!!


Dyah and Dian, the Duo Messi :p

Then it continued in the evening. the football match with X-9. Eentwee was slaughtered by them. we lose 4-0, but it's just for fun. so in the end we took many photos a.k.a foto-foto haah. Just like these pics

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